My beautiful boys!

My life with 5 boisterous boys, the trials, tribulations, celebrations and countless joys.

This blog is my attempt to share what it is like to live with 5 boys (6 if you count my husband) and the blissful joy and tribulation of each day.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Jeffrey is 10!

I can't believe Jeffrey is ten already. Where does the time go? Jeffrey is an amazing kid. He has a smile that shines from his eyes and lights up a room. He makes me beam with pride.

He has not always been an "easy" child to raise. He was a toddler who hit and screamed whenever I took him any where. It got to the point where we stopped going everywhere - church, restaurants, stores. It was easier to be at home with him.

But as he has grown up, he has become a an enigma. He has this way of making everyone love him. Maybe it is that smile, maybe it is the ease with which he tackles life, whatever it is , it is amazing. He does well at everything he tries - school, sports, friendships. He is not a superstar at everything, but he does well without alot of effort. I guess if I had to describe him in one word it would be CONFIDENT. It seems that he expects to succeed in everything he tries and therefore does. He is not afraid to show his feelings, he has a bit of devilment in him that keeps us on the edge of our seats waiting to see what Jeffrey will try next.

Jeffrey is fascinated with the Civil War since our trip to Gettysburg last summer. He wanted a Civil War cake. So after I iced it green he added a set of miniatures to set up a battlefield on his cake. He used every piece. He got a video game, a dart rifle and a pistol (toys, of course) and 3 Civil War books. He spent time playing with the toys but before an hour was past he was playing with the Civil War Miniatures and reading the books.

He decided he was going to write a diary from the perspective of a Civil War Soldier and sat down and started writing. (How cool is that?) He finished his first entry before he went to bed. I can't wait to read what he comes up with over the next few weeks.

Happy Birthday my amazing boy! I love you.

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