Where are my .... ?
My beautiful boys!
My life with 5 boisterous boys, the trials, tribulations, celebrations and countless joys.
This blog is my attempt to share what it is like to live with 5 boys (6 if you count my husband) and the blissful joy and tribulation of each day.
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Friday, March 18, 2011
Tonsils are evil!
My boys have had so much trouble with their tonsils. 4 of the 5 have had them removed (as young as 3). Ryan just had his removed last week and he has been so sad. But hopefully this will be the end to the repeat bouts of tonsillitis and strep that have plagued him for the past two years. Today he seems to be doing a little better. He made it thru the night with out meds, and no tears. He is playing and eating more. I hope this is the beginning of a speedy recovery. I am missing his constant happy chatter.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Sammy is 3
My sweet Sammy turned three March 10th. I have never had a child turn 3 and not had a baby younger at home. Sammy is my last baby and each birthday is a little sad and a lot to celebrate. Sammy is the most darling little boy you could ever imagine. Each morning he greets me with a huge smile and a sing-songy "Good morning Mommy". when I answer him he asks "You happy?" I say yes and he asks, "I make you happy?". I tell him Yes he makes me very happy... and he does. He says and does things all day long that keep me smiling and laughing. I am so blessed to have my sweet Sammy!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Christmas Eve
I am sitting at the computer wondering if tomorrow will be all my children hope it will be. I know I will be disappointed because it never is what I hope it to be. I have decided that my own wonderful memories of Christmas Eve and Christmas morning have put an unfair twist on my expectations. I remember driving around looking at the lights on Christmas Eve and listening to Christmas music and Santa Watch on the radio, with such fondness. We skipped that this year because Nathan was throwing up again today and the boys fight every single time they get in the car. I remember Christmas morning seeming like a miracle to me. I always got something I asked Santa for and that was enough, everything else was just bonus. My boys did not even make a list for Santa this year. Though I prompted them to and asked repeatedly what they wanted for Christmas. They each finally told me 2 or 3 things but them proceeded to tell their Grammy the same things. So that left me and Santa with no idea what they really would be happy to unwrap. I probably overdid it trying to figure it out, but I so want them to have happy Christmas memories like mine. It is so hard to buy for 5 kids on a very limited budget and make each present special. I guess I have an unrealistic fantasy of my children actually being on their best behavior for 2 days and being happy to indulge their mom in singing along with the radio as we look at lights, watching a Christmas movie together and hushed whispering of what the big guy in red might bringing in his magic sack. Sometime I think we should chuck the whole presents thing and just take the boys to Disney World for 5 days. I would probably be less stressed.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Jeffrey is 10!
I can't believe Jeffrey is ten already. Where does the time go? Jeffrey is an amazing kid. He has a smile that shines from his eyes and lights up a room. He makes me beam with pride.
He has not always been an "easy" child to raise. He was a toddler who hit and screamed whenever I took him any where. It got to the point where we stopped going everywhere - church, restaurants, stores. It was easier to be at home with him.
But as he has grown up, he has become a an enigma. He has this way of making everyone love him. Maybe it is that smile, maybe it is the ease with which he tackles life, whatever it is , it is amazing. He does well at everything he tries - school, sports, friendships. He is not a superstar at everything, but he does well without alot of effort. I guess if I had to describe him in one word it would be CONFIDENT. It seems that he expects to succeed in everything he tries and therefore does. He is not afraid to show his feelings, he has a bit of devilment in him that keeps us on the edge of our seats waiting to see what Jeffrey will try next.
Jeffrey is fascinated with the Civil War since our trip to Gettysburg last summer. He wanted a Civil War cake. So after I iced it green he added a set of miniatures to set up a battlefield on his cake. He used every piece. He got a video game, a dart rifle and a pistol (toys, of course) and 3 Civil War books. He spent time playing with the toys but before an hour was past he was playing with the Civil War Miniatures and reading the books.
He decided he was going to write a diary from the perspective of a Civil War Soldier and sat down and started writing. (How cool is that?) He finished his first entry before he went to bed. I can't wait to read what he comes up with over the next few weeks.
Happy Birthday my amazing boy! I love you.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Poor Nathan
My poor Nathan can't seem to stay healthy this year.
Between his ears and bouts of tummy troubles with vomiting, he has missed quite a bit of school this year. He HATES to miss school. He was in tears this morning but after throwing up in the middle of the night and twice within an hour after waking, there was no way we could send him.
I am so very glad my children all love school and Nate especially. It gives them a world where they are not one of the brothers for a while each day. A place where they do not have to fight their brothers for attention or fight with them in general. I think if they did not get that break from one another they would drive each other crazy. Who am I kidding they would drive their parents crazy!
I hope Nathan feels well enough to go back to school tomorrow. He loves his teacher and misses her when he is home sick. He has been sick enough this school year. I hope this turns around soon.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
People and my Christmas Shopping
I really don't like people.... let me clarify... I don't like people en mass. Crowds make me crazy. Rudeness gets me riled. Ignorance irks me. And it never fails when there are alot of people around these traits seem glaringly evident.
So, I shop online for most of my Christmas gifts and hit the stores at way off-peak times to finish up what is left. I began shopping early this year and am almost done. The goal is to wrap early too so I get a full night sleep on Christmas Eve. We'll see if that goal is met.
My boys hardly tell me anything they want for Christmas, so it is shopping blind. I usually get a theme going and find it drives my choices. This year roller blades were the first gifts purchased - a pair for each of the boys. I want them outside and moving whenever possible. I want them strong, active and healthy. I also want them out from under my feet in the house and exhausted at the end of the day.
Thanksgiving was a nice family holiday this year. We spent the morning in our jammies and enjoyed being at home. The evening we spent at my mom and dad's house. The company and food was wonderful. I am so thankful for a family that is together. We all live right in this area and though we do not see each other every day or even every week, we know that we are welcome at any moment and loved.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
When do I catch a break?
Yes. I am going to whine and complain so if you don't want to read it, skip this post.
Back to work and school the beginning of September, and since then the stomach virus has been hanging out at my house! I am so tired of sick kids, sick me, sick mess! I can't keep up with the laundry and grocery shopping. The boys are beastly in the store these days and I can't take them all with me to go to the store. Matt works second shift so they have to come with me where ever I go. Meetings, store, etc. Then homework patrol, dinner, baths/showers, and bed. By the time I get them down I am too tired to think yet alone work. (Yes I am a teacher and I work at home, usually every night. My work day does not end when I leave the school). I am falling behind in everything. Can someone add 10 more hours to the day?
Back to work and school the beginning of September, and since then the stomach virus has been hanging out at my house! I am so tired of sick kids, sick me, sick mess! I can't keep up with the laundry and grocery shopping. The boys are beastly in the store these days and I can't take them all with me to go to the store. Matt works second shift so they have to come with me where ever I go. Meetings, store, etc. Then homework patrol, dinner, baths/showers, and bed. By the time I get them down I am too tired to think yet alone work. (Yes I am a teacher and I work at home, usually every night. My work day does not end when I leave the school). I am falling behind in everything. Can someone add 10 more hours to the day?
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Good moments
Ryan told Nathan he was his bestest friend and less than ten minutes later Matthew told Jeffrey , he didn't care about being cool. He just likes to be himself. Moments like these I think we must be doing something right.
Friday, February 5, 2010
I got an email reminder from Ticketmaster listing upcoming events in Pittsburgh and Trace Atkins was listed. Nathan is a big fan. He has made a million memories for me singing Honkytonk Badonkadonk. At 3, he started singing this song and sang it everywhere he was and just last weekend he came upon the Cd and spent the afternoon singing away.. He entertained the neighbors while they had company, singing from the top of the play set tower in our backyard. He broke out in a raucous rendition while we were in the bleachers watching his brothers playing hockey at the YMCA. At his Aunt's, he shocked her straight laced sensibilities as he crooned "oooo eee shut your mouth, slap your grandma..." Grandma, on the otherhand, just laughed. Nathan's preschool teacher was stunned one spring day to hear him singing at the top of his voice as he bounced into the room one day. He was always so quiet in class, they hadn't seen that side of his personality.
Nathan is our third son and a true middle child, with two older brothers and two younger brothers. He can be the sweetest and silliest kid in the world. He spent the first few years of his life being the family jester - making us laugh. Now he spends equal time fighting with his brothers and aggravating them. He fights for his place in our world. He wants to be recognized as an individual and that he is.
Nathan is our third son and a true middle child, with two older brothers and two younger brothers. He can be the sweetest and silliest kid in the world. He spent the first few years of his life being the family jester - making us laugh. Now he spends equal time fighting with his brothers and aggravating them. He fights for his place in our world. He wants to be recognized as an individual and that he is.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Boots, boots and more boots.
Mom, where are my boots? snow pants? gloves? hat? We have a snow day today. No school! I actually don't mind, as I honestly needed this time. The boys don't mind either - they are playing the day away, until the snow lets up and they have to shovel. Then the familiar refrain will begin.....
We will find the missing boot where ever Sammy left it. He loves to wear other people's boots and shoes around the house and leaves them in surprising places.
I never thought about the boots and shoes that would litter the entrance to my home, when we had 5. There are tennis shoes and snow boots for 7 in the winter, and throughout the spring, summer and fall we add spikes for baseball, soccer and football to the chaos. Add to that hoodies, jackets, winter coats, ball hats, snow pants, snow hats, gloves, mittens and scarves. We need a whole room for it all.
We will find the missing boot where ever Sammy left it. He loves to wear other people's boots and shoes around the house and leaves them in surprising places.
I never thought about the boots and shoes that would litter the entrance to my home, when we had 5. There are tennis shoes and snow boots for 7 in the winter, and throughout the spring, summer and fall we add spikes for baseball, soccer and football to the chaos. Add to that hoodies, jackets, winter coats, ball hats, snow pants, snow hats, gloves, mittens and scarves. We need a whole room for it all.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Ma Ma
Sammy's favorite word is Ma Ma... warms the heart doesn't it. The problem is that I am not Ma Ma to Sammy... well, yes I am but I am not the only one. Daddy is also Ma Ma. It makes me giggle to think of the big tough guy I married being called (and answering to ) "Ma Ma" in the grocery store, at the doctor's office, etc. He takes it all in stride. Not even a flinch. I married a wonderful man who has become a phenomenal father!
My life is a TREASURE HUNT
Where is my... ? I can't find my... I hear that all day long. Where are my shoes? Where are my keys? Where is my backpack? Where is Bawk Bawk? Seems like someone is always searching for something in our home. I guess that is to be expected when you have 2 adults, 5 boys and a dog all living in one house. I have developed the uncanny knack of closing my eyes and being able to picture the item where I saw it last. Works most of the time, but not always. My life is a never ending TREASURE HUNT. The treasure is never very valuable but is often priceless... a blanket (smelly or scratchy - yes, they have names)... a favorite stuffed animal ... keys to get to work ... my locket ...and so on and so on.
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